Through innovative and culturally adapted programs, Terma aims to provide sustainable health care and education to the Tibetan people in order to ensure their survival
Founded in 1993 as the Tibet Child Nutrition Project (TCNP), the Terma Foundation now implements public health programs including nutrition, education, primary and preventive health care, acknowledging traditional belief systems, and integrating low-tech, low-cost western technology where appropriate.Terma’s work in the TAR and adjacent ethnic Tibetan areas of the People’s Republic of China is carried out by a multidisciplinary coalition of Tibetans, Chinese, and westerners in successful cooperation with PRC nationals and local health authorities.
Through innovative and culturally-adapted programs, Terma aims to provide sustainable health care and education to the Tibetan people in order to ensure their survival. Terma’s current programs include: Rickets Education and Prevention, Child Feeding and Indigenous Food Development, Traditional Tibetan Medicine, Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies: Prenatal and Postnatal Care, Health Education and Primary Care Delivery, and Tuberculosis Prevention and Control.

Terma, whose literal translation is “hidden treasure,” is the name for the ancient sacred texts Tibetans believe were buried by angels—called Dakinis—to be concealed until their wisdom can be safely retrieved and used for the benefit of all mankind.
The traditional concept evoked in our foundation’s name is reflected in Terma’s mission to nurture an environment in which traditional knowledge can be applied to modern problems so that an endangered generation of children may survive to share this wisdom with other world cultures. Building on decades of original medical and cultural research in Tibet, the Terma Foundation is uniquely qualified to implement programs in this impoverished region greatly isolated from meaningful outside assistance.
Over 25+ years, our tightly run collaboration has ensured the integrity of our original vision. All donated money and resources go directly to the poorest of the poor throughout Tibet.